Business & Non-Instructional Operations





When any district-owned instructional materials, equipment, supplies or other personal property becomes unusable, obsolete or no longer needed, the Superintendent or designee shall notify the Governing Board, provide an estimated value and recommend whether the items be sold or disposed of by one of the methods prescribed in law and administrative regulation.  Upon approval by the Board, the Superintendent or designee shall arrange for the sale or disposal of these items.

Instructional materials may be considered obsolete or unusable when they:

1.                  Have been replaced by more recent editions or new materials selected by the Board and have no foreseeable value in other instructional areas

2.                  Are not aligned with the district’s academic standards or course of study

3.                  Contain information rendered inaccurate or incomplete by new research or technologies

4.                  Contain demeaning, stereotyping or patronizing references to any group of persons protected against discrimination by law or Board policy

5.                  Are damaged beyond use or repair

The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures to be used when selling equipment for which the federal government has a right to receive all or part of the proceeds.  These procedures shall ensure a reasonable amount of competition so as to result in the highest possible revenue.


Legal Reference:

Education Code

Section 17540-42

Sale or lease of personal property by one district to another


Education Code

Section 17545-55

Sale of personal property


Education Code

Section 60500-30

Sale, donation or disposal of instructional materials


Policy adopted:


Policy revised:
