Business & Non-Instructional Operations






The Board of Education may accept on behalf of and for the school district any bequest or gift of money or property for a purpose deemed by the governing board to be suitable, and to utilize such money or property so designated.

The superintendent shall establish criteria to be met in the acceptance of gifts, and the procedure for examining and evaluating offers of gifts to the district.

Donations of Materials and/or Equipment

If an organization or individual wishes to purchase equipment or materials for schools within the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District, such equipment or materials must conform to district specifications and requirements, and must be in accordance with provisions of the Education Code.

If an organization or individual wishes to donate such a gift to a school, it should make known its intentions in writing to the Board of Education, having first consulted the principal and the superintendent. Board approval should be obtained before a purchase is made. It should be noted that all such gifts must be presented to the school district and not to an individual school. However, as a matter of procedure, such gifts generally remain in the original school, as specified by the donor. Examples of such equipment and materials which might be given include the following:

  1. Movie projector
  2. Filmstrip and slide projector
  3. Tape recorder
  4. Science equipment
  5. Duplicating machine
  6. Mimeograph machine
  7. Textbooks from district-approved book lists
  8. Listening post
  9. Perceptual training aids, such as trampolines or mats
  10. Library books from approved standard book lists, (example: American Library Association)
  11. Dictionaries
  12. Encyclopedias
  13. Supplementary textbooks from approved book lists
  14. Draperies
  15. Items for landscaping
  16. Auditorium equipment

Donations to Support Extracurricular/Cocurricular Activities

If an organization or individual wishes to donate equipment or money to support an extracurricular/cocurricular program, it shall make known its intentions in writing to the Board of Education, having first consulted with the principal and the superintendent. Board approval shall be obtained prior to a purchase being made or any commitment made by the principal or superintendent in cases involving the sponsoring of activities where groups of students participate.

In cases where the school district, due to financial limitations, is unable to support an extracurricular/cocurricular activity which would prove advantageous in the educational process or conducive to the general welfare of children, community groups may be permitted to make gifts to the school district for the purpose of providing the activity. Requests to sponsor an athletic team shall be made in writing to the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services at least thirty (30) days prior to the last League meeting of the school year. Decisions regarding approval of written proposals will be based on the merit of the program as it relates to the District's goals, the educational process, and the general welfare of children.

Gifts Relating to Alterations, Modifications, and/or Additions to Existing School Facilities

In cases where the school district, due to financial limitations, is unable to modify or provide a facility which would prove advantageous in the educational process or conducive to the general welfare of children, community groups may be permitted to make gifts to the school district for the purpose of developing such a facility. This might include:

  1. Adaptation of existing facilities to specific needs
  2. Remodeling and additions to an existing facility that would enhance and add to its utility
  3. Redecorating an existing facility in such a way that it would be more attractive and satisfying to the students, parents, and faculty


The organization and/or individuals should submit evidence as to proper planning and fund-raising ability to enable completion of the complete project.

Any organization wishing to embark on any project which would involve new construction or modifications to any existing facility must first receive written approval of the Board of Education. When permission has been granted, fund-raising may begin. If fund-raising for a particular project extends over a period greater than one academic year, approval to continue the project must be renewed each year.

Donations to Support Extracurricular/Cocurricular Activities (continued)

The donation of funds to the district for special gifts becomes a matter strictly between the district and the immediate donor(s).

The district cannot be responsible for any aspect of the donor's fund-raising activities or relationships with individual contributors. However, the district reserves the right to evaluate the source of funds in considering any proffered gifts.


Legal Reference:

Education Code

Sections 35162, 35273, 41030


Cross Reference:

Goals of the Instructional Program (6120)




High School Athletics (6121)





Policy adopted:


Policy revised:
