Business & Non-Instructional Operations





All miscellaneous collections by the school district must be deposited with the County Treasurer to the credit of the appropriate school district fund. A prenumbered receipt bearing the name of the school district shall be given whenever cash collections are made. Duplicate and triplicate copies of the prenumbered receipts shall be placed on file. . In order to maintain internal control the person receiving and depositing cash shall not do ledger posting of receipts

The above rules also apply to the collection of monies for Student Body Funds, Which are deposited in district-designated banks.

Fees and Collections from Pupils

The Board of Education recognizes the responsibility imposed upon the board by the State Constitution to maintain a free system of public education. For this reason, only reasonable fees or collections from pupils shall be made, such fees or collections being subject to the approval of the superintendent of schools.



Legal Reference:

Education Code

Section 48938












Policy adopted:


Policy revised:
