Business & Non-Instructional Operations





It shall be the policy of the Placentia-Yorba Linda School District to safeguard equipment through a property control system which shall, as a minimum, contain the description, name, identification number, and original cost of all items of unsecured property and equipment acquired by the district whose current market value exceeds five hundred ($500) dollars per item. This system shall provide the date of acquisition, location of use, and time and mode of disposal. The responsibility of development and maintenance of the property control system shall be under the Purchasing Section.

Equipment recorded in the system shall be the responsibility of the site administrator who has control over its use and who shall ensure it is properly used and maintained, marked as district property, safeguarded, located and accounted for at least annually and prior to the final separation settlement of any individual to whom it is entrusted.

District-owned property shall not be removed from district sites as provided or utilized for other than district purposes except as specifically authorized by the superintendent or his designee. No property of the district may be given, sold, leased, loaned, donated, traded, or bartered to any student, employee or other person, party, group or firm except as specifically authorized by the Education Code or Board policy.

An inventory of supplies which are warehoused shall be maintained for the instructional program, cafeteria, maintenance and operations, and transportation departments in the district computer. A physical inventory shall be taken annually.



Legal Reference:

Education Code

Section 35168












Policy adopted:


Policy revised:


Policy revised:
