
5131.3 – BP




The Board of Education recognizes the importance of core character traits to the conduct and achievement of all students.  Personal integrity and honesty in academic endeavors are necessary traits for students to reach their full potential as students and citizens.  Students are expected to act upon these core traits and respect the educational purpose of all school activities by completing work through their own efforts.  The Board expects that students will not cheat, lie or plagiarize and will report infractions of this policy to school staff members.


The Board also expects teachers to provide an environment that encourages honesty and clear communications to students that cheating and plagiarism will not be condoned.  Teachers shall instruct students that adequate research and preparation are necessary for academic success and that students discovered to be cheating will be disciplined. 


The principal of each school shall ensure that specific penalties for cheating and plagiarizing are addressed in the school site discipline plan pursuant to existing state law and District Policy. The Board believes that parents are important partners in developing the appropriate core character traits and, therefore, encourages parent contact and involvement in all incidences of cheating and plagiarizing. 



Legal Reference:

Education Code






School adopted discipline




Suspension and Expulsion




Duties of pupils

Cross Reference:

Specific legal processes and regulations regarding student conduct, school discipline plans, suspension and expulsion are provided in Board Policies and Administrative Regulations 5131 (Student Conduct), 5131.2 (Student Discipline), 5114.1 (Pupil Expulsion), 5114.2 (Pupil Suspension).


Policy adopted:
