Facilities and Planning





School Housing and Enrollment

The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District will construct permanent facilities to accommodate the following percentages of the optimum master plan projected enrollment: Each elementary school, 90%; each middle school, 85%; each high school, 80%.

New facilities will safely and adequately house its instructional and support program and consist of permanent and/or modular relocatable construction to provide space flexibility to adjust to shifting population patterns. Planning will recognize the need to construct certain special facilities for 100% of the optimum projected enrollment.

This policy does not preclude incremental planning and construction on any school site. Such incremental construction shall be considered as justified by the enrollment projections and economic considerations. Planning will recognize that adhering to the desired percentages of permanent facilities will be dependent on the ability of each school to accommodate students above the designed capacity; this will vary with the basic school design. Planning will consider the adaptability of each site for the possible utilization of temporary facilities.

Housing during peak enrollment periods of enrollment beyond the designed capacity of the school shall be accomplished in compliance with Policy 7100.

Elementary School Size

The optimum enrollment planned capacity for new elementary schools shall be 850 students. Enrollment in the elementary schools may range from 550 to 1400. Schools in which enrollment exceeds recommended optimum will be considered for additional administrative and supervisory support. Schools with an enrollment approaching the upper range (over 1000) are considered double schools. The optimum size and variation from this size within the stated range is based on the following criteria:

  1. Neighborhood school concept
  2. Efficiency of the administrative unit
  3. Natural geographic or man-made boundaries
  4. Availability of school sites (approximately ten acres; may vary as does the range of enrollment)
  5. Ethnic balance
  6. Density of homes and pupil per dwelling ratios /may lead to variances from the recommended size, thus the range
  7. Enrollment size throughout the grades
  8. Potential for alignment of schools in a team relationship

Alternate K-8/Middle School Size

Some schools may be designated as K-8, K-5 or 6-8 Middle Schools to provide for optimum use or alternative approaches to meet district instructional and facility goals. The planned capacity for new K-8 schools shall be 1500; for K-5 schools, 850 and for 6-8 schools, 750.

Middle School Size

The optimum enrollment planned capacity for new middle schools (7-8) shall be 1200 students. Enrollment in the middle schools may range from 900 to 1400. Schools in which enrollment exceeds recommended optimum will be considered for additional administrative and supervisory support. The optimum size and Variation from this size within the stated range is based on the following criteria:

  1. That the middle school will be the articulating receiver school for four-to-six elementary schools (may vary depending on the variation in the enrollment of the elementary schools)
  2. That sufficient enrollment may be provided to support curricular and co-curricular offerings desired in today's middle school and to meet the accepted educational goals of the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District
  3. Ethnic balance
  4. Availability of school sites (approximately 20 acres)
  5. Density of homes and pupil-per-dwelling ratios (may lead to variances from the recommended size--thus the range)

High School Size

The optimum enrollment planned capacity for new high schools, grades (9-12), shall be 2400 students. Enrollment in the high school may range from 2100 to 2600. Schools in which enrollment exceeds recommended optimum will be considered for additional administrative and supervisory support. The optimum size and variation from this size within the stated range is based on the following criteria:

  1. That the high school will be the articulating receiver school for a single the middle school(s) and K-8 school(s) within a geographic its attendance area
  2. That sufficient enrollment may be provided to efficiently utilize certain specialized facilities and to support the curricular and co-curricular offerings desired in today's high school and to meet the accepted educational goals of the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District
  3. Ethnic balance
  4. Availability of school sites (approximately 40 acres)
  5. Density of homes and pupil dwelling ratios leading to variances from the recommended size (thus the range)

Special Education

The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District will provide the necessary special education housing for all special education programs operated by the district.

Programs which are not sufficiently funded to provide special facilities within the district shall be provided for through contracts with neighboring school districts, other institutions and cooperative projects.



Policy adopted:
