




It is the belief of the Board of Education that in order to maintain a school environment change in students, intradistrict transfers of students initiated by the school of attendance may be necessary.

Transfers initiated by the school administration are deemed to be in the best interest of the school and the student when the student is unresponsive to disciplinary practices and efforts to develop appropriate school and learning behavior, or when the student is in need of a change of peer group.

Specific criteria for school initiated transfer shall be specified in the discipline plan of each school site. Additionally, it shall be the responsibility of the school initiating the transfer to ensure that the student and parent/guardian are afforded due process including, but not limited to, notification of possible transfer prior to the initiation of the transfer, conferences with the student and parent/guardian, and specification of the conditions for return to the school of residence. Moreover the school initiating the student transfer shall ensure that all necessary services and programs will be available to the student. All transfers shall be reviewed annually.



Cross Reference:

Board policies

5119.1, 5119.2




Policy adopted:


Policy revised:


Policy revised:
