




The Governing Board believes that high academic and behavior standards are the cornerstone of successful schools. Students are expected to progress through each grade level by demonstrating attainment of grade-level standards of student achievement. To facilitate student progress, instruction should accommodate individual differences and interests and should include strategies and interventions designed for a diverse student population.

Annual promotion of a student from one grade level to the next shall be based upon teacher documented student achievement in specific subject areas at the following grade levels:

  1. Second grade to third grade in reading
  2. Third grade to fourth grade in reading
  3. Fourth grade to fifth grade in reading, English language arts, and mathematics
  4. The end of the intermediate grades to the beginning of middle school grades in reading, English language arts, and mathematics
  5. The end of middle school grades to the beginning of high school in reading, English language arts, and mathematics

Minimum levels of proficiency and/or performance on multiple measures of academic achievement shall be designated by the district in grade-level appropriate subject areas as criteria for promotion. If any of the designated measures specified in the administrative regulations identifies that a student is performing below the minimum standard for promotion, the student shall be retained, unless the teacher determines that retention is not the appropriate intervention for the student's academic success. Parents may appeal the decision to retain a student. For students identified as having a disability, the determination as to the appropriate standards for promotion or retention shall be made as part of the Individualized Educational Planning (IEP) process. Moreover, for the English Learners, decisions to promote or retain shall be based on the student's progress within the specific curriculum provided to the student.

The Governing Board also recognizes the importance of early intervention, parent involvement, and supplemental instruction in facilitating student achievement. Teachers, therefore, are responsible for the identification of students who should be retained and who are at risk of being retained as early as possible in the school year. When a student is recommended for retention or identified as being at risk of retention, the school shall notify the student's parents as early in the school year as possible. Supplemental instruction shall be provided to students who have been retained or who are at risk of retention.

Intervention programs shall provide direct and systematic supplemental instruction in reading, language arts and/or mathematics and may include in-school and after-school tutorials, Saturday classes, supplementary materials, developmentally appropriate curriculum, and mandatory summer school.

At the high school level, grade designation for purposes of determining progress toward graduation is based on the accumulation of a minimum number of required credits. Sequential courses must be mastered prior to the student's advancement to the next level. Students deficient in credits must attend summer school to make up courses failed during the academic year. Notification to the parent/guardian of mandatory summer school attendance shall be made as soon as it is determined that a credit deficiency exists or that a student is at risk of being credit deficient.

For students not making satisfactory progress, their counselor and/or school site student study team shall meet with the student and parents before the end of each year to determine an educational plan which would include mandatory summer school attendance, supplemental classes and/or other educational alternatives.

On occasion, students with exceptionally high academic achievement will be recommended for double promotion by their parents or teacher. Students may be accelerated into a higher grade level if it is determined to be appropriate by the school site student study team consisting of individuals knowledgeable of the child, including the parent, and the principal is in agreement with the team's determination. In such cases the school team shall take into consideration the student's social and emotional growth as well as academic achievement when making such a determination.  


Legal Reference:

Education Code


Method of computing ADA




Admission on completing kindergarten; grade placement of pupils coming from other districts



48070 - 48070.5

Promotion and retention








Each governing board shall prescribe regulations regarding pupil's achievement








Elements of individualized education plan



60641 - 60648

Standardized Testing and Reporting Program


Code of Regulations,

Title V


Admittance to First Grade From Kindergarten


Cross Reference:

Board Policy


Requirements for Graduation from High School




Requirements for Graduation from Continuation High School

 Policy adopted:



Policy Revised:



Policy Revised:



Policy Revised:



Policy Revised:
