




It is the intent of the Board of Education that students be dressed and groomed in a manner which supports a safe and positive learning atmosphere conducive to academic learning without disruption of the educational process. The Board further supports the belief that students should arrive at school with proper attention having been given to neatness of dress.

The principal, in cooperation with parents/guardians, teachers, staff, and students, shall establish, review, and revise school rules governing dress and grooming. School dress and grooming rules should be no less restrictive than district dress and grooming policies nor should they supersede the provisions of the law. School standards may include voluntary or required uniforms.

Mandatory Uniforms

In order to promote student safety and an effective learning environment, the board authorizes and supports the principal, staff, students, and parents/guardians at district schools which establish a mandatory student uniform dress policy. Such dress codes will also be included as part of the schools' safety plans, which will be presented to the board for approval. A school plan requiring that students wear uniforms shall also include allowances for the wearing of school-related wear such as band uniforms, cheer uniforms, etc. Students who participate in a nationally-recognized youth organization, e.g., scouts, shall be allowed to wear organization uniforms on days when the organization has a scheduled meeting.

Each school site may adopt a plan which authorizes mandatory uniforms for students at that school. A plan for mandatory uniforms shall be put to a vote of the parents for that school and must be approved by a two-thirds vote in favor of such a policy on the ballots returned to the school.

The Superintendent or designee at each school that adopts such a policy shall establish procedures whereby parents/guardians may choose to have their children exempted from an adopted mandatory school uniform policy. Students shall not be penalized academically, or otherwise discriminated against or denied attendance at school, if their parents/guardians so decide.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that resources are identified to assist economically disadvantaged students in obtaining uniforms.

Voluntary Uniforms

A voluntary uniform policy may be established at a school site at any time. A voluntary uniform policy is one in which schoolwide standardized dress and/or grooming guidelines are established as an option for those students who wish to wear a uniform, although there is no requirement that students wear a uniform. Before establishing a voluntary uniform policy, the principal shall notify the parents/guardians in writing of the proposed policy, which shall include the following statement: "This is a voluntary uniform policy. While students are encouraged to wear the school uniform, they are not required to do so."

Schools having a voluntary or mandatory uniform policy in effect and wishing to discontinue such shall notify students, parents, and staff in May prior to discontinuing the uniform policy in September.



Legal Reference:

Education Code


School dress codes; uniforms

Cross Reference:



Student exercise of free expression




Grades; effect of physical education class apparel


Code of Regulations, Title V


Pupils to be neat and clean on entering school


Hartzell v. Connell (1984)

35 Cal.3d 899



Arcadia Unified School District v. California Department of Education

92 Daily Journal, D.A.R. 3578




Policy adopted:
