Instruction |
6141.43-BP |
The Board of Education values the Physical
Education/Wellness curriculum developed by the district for its students based
on State standards, and believes that all students should benefit from the rich
variety of experiences offered. Therefore, the appropriateness of an
independent study program must be based upon its relationship to the district's
core curriculum. Private instruction in physical education should not be
considered an alternative to the district's course of study. Participating in
activities or courses in one physical education content area for extended
lengths of time to the exclusion of development in the other areas would be
inappropriate because the core curriculum would be circumvented. The Board
recognizes, however, that unique situations may exist in which credit for
physical education should be granted for private instruction in lieu of the
courses of study available to meet state and district requirements.
A student enrolled in grades K-12 may apply to receive credit for private instruction in physical education in special cases subject to the qualifications and limitations contained in law, this policy, and administrative regulations implementing this policy. To receive physical education credit, the student and parent/guardian shall agree, in writing, to all requirements of the school. Implementation of this policy shall not result in costs or liabilities to the district. While schools will establish certain requirements in implementing this policy, the district and its schools are not responsible for the quality or conditions of instruction conducted outside of their jurisdiction.
adopted: |
Policy revised: |
4/27/93 |
Policy revised: |
7/14/98 |