




The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District shall establish and maintain an adult education program that is acceptable to the adult citizens of the community. The general objectives of adult education shall be the same as those of other levels of public education, namely, to enable the acquisition of certain basic skills and the attainment of the high school diploma, to prepare individuals for full democratic citizenship, to provide them with means for economic improvement and cultural development, and to enrich their personal family lives.

Policies for the program shall be developed by the Board of Education with the advice of the Superintendent, and the Deputy Superintendent - Educational Services.

All physical facilities of the school system shall be available for use in the Adult Education Program and shall be scheduled in a manner that is not in conflict with other educational programs or activities. Activities shall not be limited to those which can be conducted in school buildings, but may be conducted at other places or with other facilities with the prior approval of the Deputy Superintendent - Educational Services.



Legal Reference:

Education Code

Sections 52501-52508




Policy adopted:
